Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Oh no! Six toes! (or just really squirmy feet.)

It's Official. Here is the hospital photo.

mom, grandmom, and baby

mommy gets ready to go home

our family heading home


too cute

really cute - slate eyes... i call them steel blue

we brought a bit of a snowball fihgt inside to cheer up bed ridden melissa

sleepy time

the new dad

almost done knitting

can we say product placemenr? (btw - the bear's name is Mabyn)

family portrait

mommy calms some nerves

we get dressed for the picture

family portrait

sleepy time

more if the cutie


ahh.. can't take too many pictures of her

Sharon gives mom and dad much needed rest

never mind... she has bear claws

I'm blogging one handed!

She was born during the biggest blizzard of the season.

thanks mom-in-law

Cute sleepy baby

look at those hands

Proud dad!

Charlotte is doing well.

Melissa recovers in post op.

Any MANY hours later, we have Charlotte Adelle!

Going to the hospital! I'm baked! (~9 months)

We're really excited...

Our cats clearly know that this is the last time that they will have the rule of the house.