Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Month 4! Five to Go! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Us at the Globe... Good thing that Bennett's hair didn't obstruct my view for the play. Also, people must have been a lot shorter in Shakespeare's time because there was very little leg room for me (and I am 5' 4"). Poor Bennett is 6' 3".

One country - two central banks that can print money!

Melissa and her sister-in-law, Beccah, over the Thames

Amazingly the only food joint that would let us sit and people watch in the tourist Westminster area of London was this McDonald's - though they accused me of being American as I wanted my order specialized (no pickles or onions).

Bennett on the wrong side of Hadrian's Wall - good thing he made back up - it could have been a long walk!

Hollyrood Pallace the official home of the Queen in Scotland... although the Queen was in Scotland out entire trip, she was in Balmoral instead.

CRAZY hair at Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle - expensive attraction but a lot to see and do including the crown jewels of Scotland and LOTS of Miliatary museums.

All the walking (throughout the trip) made Melissa's feet HURT. So there was also a lot of sitting. Your feet tendons loosen with pregnancy as you produce hormones to relax your muscles to let the uterus grow. The growing weight of your body then stretches and can strain the feet.

Pondering the Roman Baths in Bath, England (where else could one be) - was it always so green?

Three months done and I can still wear MOST of my normal clothes though the shirts and pants are getting tight (in one week - I will have to be in pregancy pants and in two I will be in pregnancy shirts). It is amazing how different your body can be in a matter of days. Amazingly, at this time, no one really knew I was pregnant with the right clothes and posture.

The end of the first trimester and the start of the belly button watch... Will my inny become an outy?

Two months done... I think that I still look pretty good! Notice a theme... first pink and then blue.

Month 1 Complete! Eight to go! The math of nine months in 40 weeks is weird so I have made my own "months".

We had just found out and went to dinner in Baltimore to celebrate!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We're back! We had an amazing time in the UK. Lots of great pictures to follow.